Main Office Listing

Banks are listed by the main office and can be sorted by name, city, and phone number. The detail page for each main office contains the bank's website address, street and post office addresses, telephone number, fax number, former name (if applicable), routing number, holding company, a list of officers, and a list of all branches.

FDIC Financial Information

Click here to go to the FDIC Institution Directory website that provides access to a variety of financial reports on any insured institution, for example demographic information, assets and liabilities, income and expense, and performance and condition ratios.  

Branch Listing

Bank branches are listed and can be sorted by name, city, and phone number. The detail page for each branch contains its mailing address, phone number, and fax number.

Submit Changes

Bank administrators are able to check and update bank information online. To make changes, bank administrators need to first log into their profiles and then click on their name at the top of the webpage. After their account profile opens, then click on the bank's name on the left side. When the company profile opens, use the tabs for Manage Branch, Manage Roster and Manage Directory to make changes to a bank's employee roster, branch listing and officers listed in the online directory,  To add someone as bank administrator or to submit changes by email, contact Jayme Foster at