Financial Literacy Resources

  •'s Professional Development page with Teach a Lesson opportunities  
  • Next Gen Personal Finance Free high-school personal finance curriculum and professional development partner helping teachers deliver essential money understanding in an easy-to-grasp, engaging way. 
  • Financial literacy tools recommended by a professional learning community of educators that currently teach financial literacy concepts to high school students.
  • "Why America's Dual Banking System Matters" by Julie Stackhouse, Executive Vice President of Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis 
  • Linking Youth Savings with Financial Education: Lessons from the FDIC Pilot
  • Free financial tools, calculators and resources to simplify choices for your money and your future.
  • Federal Reserve System’s Resources for Educators includes a classroom resources section that has lesson plans by grade level and topic, activities and access to other resources.
  • The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s has resources for teachers and students.
  • Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas' Everyday Economics
  • Banzai! Online financial literacy website that helps teach the value of a dollar by helping students see life through an adult's eyes. Life Scenarios™ exposes them to real-life adult financial dilemmas. Whether it's navigating taxes or paying auto insurance, Banzai introduces your students to the real world.
  • CFPB: Recognizing elder financial abuse National Consumer Protection Week is an opportunity to talk about a particularly troubling and challenging consumer protection issue – elder financial abuse and exploitation. Understanding what elder financial exploitation can look like and why it can be hard to spot can help you protect yourself, your loved ones, or someone you care for who may be at risk for this kind of abuse. We’ll tell you what the Bureau is doing to combat elder financial abuse.
  • CFPB's Your Money, Your Goals Your Money, Your Goals is the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s online toolkit that covers spending decisions, reviewing credit reports, avoiding “tricks and traps” in selecting financial products, making wise debt decisions, keeping track of income and bills and knowing the basics of checking accounts.
  • FDIC & CFPB Collaborate to Develop a Tool for Older Adults to Prevent Financial Exploitation The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) and Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) today launched a new financial resource tool, Money Smart for Older Adults, to help older adults and their caregivers prevent elder financial exploitation across the country.
  • Federal Regulators Issue Guidance on Reporting Financial Abuse of Older Adults Seven federal regulatory agencies issued guidance to clarify that the privacy provisions of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act generally permit financial institutions to report suspected elder financial abuse to appropriate authorities.
  • Jump$tart Coalition It encourages curriculum enrichment to ensure that basic personal financial management skills are attained during the K-12 educational experience.
  • Khan Academy Bank & Money Introduction to how banks make money and the value they (potentially) add to society. Created by Sal Khan.
  • This is the product of the congressionally chartered Federal Financial Literacy and Education Commission, which is made up of more than 20 Federal entities that are coordinating and collaborating to strengthen financial capability and increase access to financial services for all Americans. The Commission was established by the Financial Literacy and Education Improvement Act, Title V of the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act of 2003 (P.L. 108-159). The Secretary of the Treasury chairs the Commission, and the Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is the vice-chair.  Resources for teachers and educators,, and, resources for youth,  
  • Financial Four A joint project of the National Endowment for Financial Education and the Financial Planning Association designed to help people identify their top financial priorities. The interactive bracket allows users to rank each topic until they advance their selections to the top choice. To complete the bracket online, visit
  • American Institute of Certified Public Accountants Their 360 Degrees of Financial Literacy helps people understand their personal finances through every stage of life.
  • Choose to Save Sponsored by the Employee Benefit Research Institute and the American Savings Education Council, this public education campaign encourages savings through all stages of life.
  • The Institute for Financial Literacy A national nonprofit organization whose mission is to make effective financial literacy education available for everyone. Founded in 2002, the Institute accomplishes its mission by working with organizations to incorporate financial education into their existing services. The Institute also provides direct delivery of financial counseling and education to the general public.
  • Money Smart FDIC-sponsored financial education curriculum designed to help individuals outside the financial mainstream enhance their financial skills and create positive banking relationships.
  • The National Endowment for Financial Education (NEFE) A foundation dedicated to helping all Americans acquire the information and gain the skills necessary to take control of their personal finances. NEFE accomplishes its mission primarily by partnering with other concerned organizations to provide financial education to the public, and particularly to underserved individuals whose financial education needs are not being addressed by others. The NEFE also has launched a National Financial Literacy Campaign that encourages Americans to start achieving their financial goals today by accessing practical information on the Smart About Money Website.
  • The NeighborWorks® Financial Capability Program Program aimed at helping individuals and families develop sound personal financial management skills.
  • The Society for Financial Education and Professional Development, Inc. (SFEPD) The society develops and presents financial literacy and professional development training for individuals and organizations. To ensure the accomplishment of its mission, the organization works with financial and education institutions, governmental units, corporations, and foundations, that support financial education and professional development programs. The U.S. Department of Treasury's Office of Financial Education has recognized SFEPD seminars for meeting their criteria for effective financial education programs.
  • U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission The commission offers its Top 11 Financial Tips for 2011 to help people improve their personal financial fitness.
  • USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture Financial Security The institute provides leadership to state, regional, and county-level educators who deliver basic consumer education; teaches personal financial management skills to youth, limited-resource families, and young families; and promotes comprehensive financial planning throughout the life cycle.
  • America Saves - This research-based campaign motivates and supports low- to moderate-income households to save, reduce debt, and build wealth
  • Federal Trade CommissionThe commission provides articles and customer advisories to the public on commodity futures market basics and the steps to avoid fraud and other abuses. Also learn about Cryptocurrency and Scams
  • U.S. Department of Education Office of Federal Student Aid Federal Student Aid Resources help parents and students learn about completing the Free Application for FAFSA and understanding the process. 
  •  CFPB Fraud Prevention Resources for Older Adults
  • ABA Financial Education Programs (including Get Smart About Credit, Lights, Camera, Save!, Safe Banking Seniors and Teach Children to Save)