Our thoughts and prayers go out to all those affected by the recent flooding event in Louisiana. The resources listed below may be helpful to some of you and your customers.
LBA received the following on August 18, 2016:
"As of right now, the following parishes have been designated for Individual Assistance for survivors: Arcadia, Ascension, Avoyelles, East Feliciana, Evangeline Parish, Iberia, Iberville, Jefferson Davis, Lafayette, Point Coupee, St. Martin, St. Tammany, St. Landry, Vermilion, Washington and West Feliciana. I will let you know immediately if/when any new parishes are added to the federal declaration. Anyone who was affected by the flooding in these parishes can register for assistance by calling 1-800-621-3362 or by going online at www.disasterassistance.gov. They should register, even if they are insured. Please note, due to the size of this disaster, callers may experience wait times on the 800#. FEMA will be opening Disaster Recovery Centers (DRCs) in each of the designated parishes as soon as possible. Once the DRCs are open, I’ll immediately share the details with you on locations, hours of operations, etc. DRCs are staffed with subject matter experts from local, state and federal agencies who can provide survivors with fact-to-face assistance. Click the link below to download a copy of the 'Begin Flood Cleanup as Soon as Possible Fact Sheet' for more information."
FEMA encourages all survivors to register for assistance whether insured or uninsured. The only difference is if they are insured they would need to file a claim with their insurance as well as registering with FEMA. Office of Financial Institutions Emergency Declaration and Emergency Guidance, http://www.ofi.la.gov/, listed under Depository tab.
FEMA Disaster Assistance, http://gohsep.la.gov/Portals/0/Documents/1-800_Flier_Eng.pdf Press release on announces grace period extension for payment of NFIP renewal premiums FEMA webpage for Louisiana Severe Storms and Flooding information
The LA BEOC is activated and continues to support private sector businesses, public agencies and non-governmental organizations in the response and recovery of the historical flooding events in Louisiana. Go to http://www.labeoc.org to check out their helpful links, news alerts, donation and volunteer information. Please inform friends, associates and supply chain partners to register at labeoc.org. Access labeoc.org and see two new added features:
We recently added Contractor Information section to connect businesses with contracting opportunities and provide information on how to become a federal and/or state contractor. Updated Shelter At Home bid information and subsequent addendums are linked here: http://gohsep.la.gov/RESOURCES/EMERGENCY-EVENT-PROCUREMENT.
Check out the new Open for Business mapping system where you can update the status of your business. This business status map is intended for businesses to report the current condition of their business as either OPEN or CLOSED, and to enter comments that might assist customers. At this time, the map reports businesses in communities most seriously impacted by the current State of Emergency and that are within 20 miles of a state supported Supply Point of Distribution (POD). As additional data becomes available, the map and its registration of businesses will be expanded