2023 Current Matters & Questions Impacting Call Rep. Web Rec

Member Fee:  $165
Non-Member Fee:  $265

Speaker:  Andrea Lambert, 3PR

The Call Report for 2023 is impacted by new and recent reporting requirements related to the FASB’s Accounting Standard Update (ASU) 2022-02 with impact to Accounting Standard Codification (ASC) Topic No 326 related to the elimination of Troubled Debt Restructuring recognition and measurement.

In addition, the adoption of CECL under ASU 2016-13 is also impactful to regulatory reporting within your Call Report.

Topics include

  • New and Recent Reporting Revisions for 2023 Call Reports
  • A discussion on reporting TDRs/Modified Loans
  • Re-visiting the common questions that arose from CECL implementation
  • Reference Rate Reform matters as the termination of LIBOR became effective on June 30, 2023.
  • Common questions and potential reporting errors
  • Realized and unrealized gains and losses on equity securities
  • Loan coding and reporting income on loans
  • Reporting multi-family loans in RC-C and RC-R
  • Reporting unfunded commitments and what does “unconditionally cancelable” really mean?
8/16/2023 - 2/16/2024

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