Trends in Check Fraud (Webinar)

June 4, 2024

Member Fee (Live or Recording):  $165 per connection 
Non-Member Fee (Live or Recording):  $265 per connection

Fraudsters continue to develop new techniques for helping our customers part with their hard-earned money. Often this leads to the financial institution taking losses to reimburse our customers. In this webinar, we will examine the latest fraud trends and discuss strategies for loss mitigation. The discussion will consider the operational requirements and challenges for processing check related claims and should not be considered legal advice. 

brian crowBrian Crow is Managing Partner/Co-President of TCA. Brian's passion for and skill in protecting bank assets from fraud and compliance losses have earned him the nickname “Security Evangelist.” In addition to developing and guiding the strategic vision for TCA, Brian delivers focused educational support to clients and helps them manage TCA’s suite of consulting, audit, and training services.  He’s a nationally recognized expert on BSA/AML and deposit compliance and is a regular speaker at the annual BSA/AML Top Gun Conference. As an education consultant for the Glia Group BOL Learning Connect program, Brian conducts webinars on topics like VISA/MasterCard chargebacks, debit card compliance, and fraud prevention. For this work, he was recognized as a Bankers Online Guru in 2011. He is a graduate of Concordia University and has his CAMS certification.

6/4/2024 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM

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