Enterprise Risk Management 101 (Virtual via Zoom)

Member Fee for Virtual Live Seminar or Virtual Recording: $265
Non-Member Fee for Virtual Live Seminar or Virtual Recording: $465

Speaker: Ancin Cooley, Synergy Bank Consulting

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Enterprise risk management (ERM) is a process, driven by a bank’s board of directors and management applied in a strategy setting across the institution, and designed to identify potential events that may affect business. In order to effectively fulfill their role, directors must have a conceptual understanding of the risks that impact bank earnings and capital. ERM is the most effective means of accomplishing this goal. ERM is the glue that holds strategic thinking, optimism, and pragmatic thought together.
After attending this session you will:

• Possess a conceptual understanding of ERM
• Understand the difference risk appetite, risk tolerance, and risk capacity
• Understand the benefits ERM and the common pitfalls to its implementation
• Possess an awareness level understanding of credit, talent, liquidity, interest rate, compliance, and strategic risks
7/20/2021 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM

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