$1billon + HR Peer Group Meeting (Via Zoom)

Please note: Peer Group discussions are designed for LBA Member Bank employees.

What’s your secret to recruit, hire, train and retain talent???  Are your overtime calculations including all components of non-exempt employee pay?  What’s the latest with EEO-1s?  Do you have separate incentive plans for different areas of the bank?  How do you track and monitor incentive plans?  We had a recent question about how banks calculate years of service for employees who leave the bank then return – how do you handle?  We are still discussing the remote/hybrid workforce – are the advantages outweighing the disadvantages?  Recently, a banker asked about hiring employees with a criminal offense on their record.  Where do you state your policy on that?  Lots and lots to discuss.  Bring your most current success story to share.  Looking forward to our discussion on November 15.  Register today!

11/15/2022 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

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