2023 Call Report Preparations Virtual Seminar Recording

Member: $850
Non-Member: $1050

Speaker: Cynthia Dopjera, Third Party Resources, Inc (3PR)

This recording is from a 2-day instructor led program held on March 9th & 10th via Zoom. Recordings are 7 MP4 links. Electronic materials will be sent as well.

The Call Report is constantly in a state of change. We worked through the extensive changes that took place over the course of the past few years.

As we approach the reporting deadline for year-end 2022 and looking into the first quarter of 2023, questions are raised over what will the reporting impact be from the FASB revisions to accounting and reporting of TDRs?

In addition, what will be the 2023 reporting impact for financial institutions as they prepare for adoption of CECL?   This 2-day virtual training will provide information on new, proposed, and revised changes to the Call Report with identification of specific Call Report line items impacted. Accounting guidance and regulatory changes will be discussed and presented in order to update those with Call Report preparation and review responsibilities.

In addition, this virtual training will provide basic training for new preparers and include extensive coverage of new and complex issues for experienced preparers. New, proposed, and revised changes will be presented in summary form at the beginning of the program with detailed discussion over the course of the training as we work through the schedules impacted by the changes applicable in current reporting as well as proposed reporting in the future.

Participants will receive handout materials to support the training agenda. This training will cover the FFIEC 041 and 051 forms, however, if you file the FFIEC 031 report, the information covered will also benefit your bank. It is advised that participants bring a copy of their recent Call Report, or print out a blank copy of the FFIEC form applicable to their bank.

Topics include:

This 2-day virtual training will cover general preparation instructions, background on regulatory matters that impact the Call Report, changes in reporting status, regulatory rules, and general information about reporting requirements under U.S. GAAP.

A summary of the reporting impact and the implementation timelines for new Accounting Standards Updates (ASU) related to the following will be discussed:

  • Reference Rate Reform under ASU 2020-04
  • Lease Accounting under ASU 2016-02
  • Credit Loss Accounting (CECL) under ASU 2016-13 to include regulatory reporting matters.
  • Troubled Debt Restructuring under ASU 2022-02

A discussion of regulatory changes impacting the current Call Report will be covered in detail. As new regulatory matters arise, they will be added to the agenda in order to provide participants with the most current training applicable for year-end 2022 reporting and the first quarter of 2023.

Currently, regulatory topics covered in this training will include:

  • 2022 and 2023 eligibility under the CBLR framework with reduced RC-R reporting.
  • Understanding the term “unconditionally cancelable” when it comes to reporting off-balance sheet commitments.
  • Loan coding coverage with a focus on areas that create questions.
  • High level Call Report impact from the adoption of CECL. What to be aware of as you prepare for adoption of ASU 2016-13.
  • Classification of HELOCs and reporting changes to open-end and closed-end lines of credit secured by 1-4 family residential properties. With the first new reporting year behind us – are we properly reporting these revolving lines?
  • Reporting sweep accounts in the newly added items for RC-E.
  • International Remittance transfers and what changes are in effect that may impact the reporting items for your institution.

The following schedules will be covered, however, not all line items within each schedule will be discussed.

The training will commence with coverage on the anchor schedules:
Schedule RC – Report of Condition
Schedule RI – Report of Income

The following Report of Income schedules will be discussed:
RI-A - Changes in Equity Capital
RI-B - Charge-Offs and Recoveries
RI-C - Allowance for Credit Losses
RI-E - Explanations

The following Report of Condition schedules will be discussed:
RC-A - Cash and Due From Banks
RC-B – Securities
RC-C - Loans
RC-E - Deposits
RC-F - Other Assets
RC-G - Other Liabilities
RC-K - Average Balances
RC-L - Unused Commitments & Off-Balance Sheet Items
RC-M – Memoranda
RC-N - Past Due, Nonaccruals & TDRs
RC-O - Insurance Assessments
RC-P – Mortgage Banking Activities
RC-Q – Reporting Fair Value Assets and Liabilities
RC-R Part I - Capital Ratios and the CBLR
RC-R Part II - Risk Weighting Assets (with a focus on the loan portfolio and unfunded commitments)
RC-S - Servicing, Securitization, Sales
SU – Report 051 items covered with discussion of Form 041 corresponding items

3/9/2023 - 9/9/2023

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