2020 Appraisal Compliance Seminar Virtual Recording

Member: $265
Non-Memeber: $465

Speaker: Cheryl Bella

This recording is from a 1 day instructor led program held on October 6 via Zoom. Recordings are 3 MP4 links. Electronic materials will be sent as well.

Federal and State Legislative changes have occurred over the past year that impact Financial Institution Appraisal Department Policies and Procedures. These will be discussed in addition to Regulatory Hot Topics, Best Practices and USPAP changes. Don't miss this year's presentation, because it directly relates to your responsibilities as a risk manager for you bank.

Topics include:
-Federal Regulation and Guidance Update
-State Regulation and Guidance Update
-The Appraisal Foundation - USPAP and Appraiser Qualifications
-Hot Topics

10/6/2020 - 4/6/2021

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