ABA Managing Interest Rate Risk 11/6/17-1/12/18

An exploration of interest rate risk measurement techniques such as GAP, earnings sensitivity analysis, Duration GAP and economic value of equity sensitivity analysis. Risk management policy implementation and how to change overall interest rate sensitivity through balance sheet adjustments or derivative contracts are discussed.


  • Facilitated Course: Member, $660; Nonmember, $870
  • Textbook (Printed): Member, $215; Nonmember, $255; Shipping, $18; Handling, $6

Learning Objectives

  • Apply the mechanics of valuing cash flows including duration and price sensitivity
  • Identify the determinants of the overall level of interest rates
  • Use static GAP, duration GAP and sensitivity analysis to measure interest rate risk
  • Examine how derivatives–futures, forwards, interest rate swaps, caps, floors and collars–are used to manage interest rate risk
  • Apply course concepts to the management of interest rate risk within your bank


Managing Interest Rate Risk is a rigorous course designed for individuals involved in asset liability management or line managers making pricing, investment, or funding decisions that impact interest rate risk.

Course Credits

College Credit Recommendations: In the upper division baccalaureate degree category, 3 semester hours in Banking, Business Administration, Finance, or Management (when combined with Analyzing Bank Performance, Managing Funding, Liquidity and Capital, and, Managing the Bank's Investmest Portfolio)

ABA Diplomas/Certificates: This course applies to the Bank Financial Management Diploma and Military Banking Operations Diploma

11/6/2017 - 1/12/2018

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