Marketing Peer Group Meeting (Via Zoom)

Please note:  Peer Group discussions are designed for LBA Member Bank employees.

We have received questions recently that our endorsed vendor,, has been the answer to. We’ll have a quick overview of what they offer. For your social media efforts—is anyone using it to post employment ads/recruit new employees? What about social media compliance—do you designate or hire someone to monitor or do you do it yourself? Let’s also talk about your best marketing strategies and how you maximize your story. For your CRA narrative, PPP stories, emergency preparedness efforts, financial literacy education—are you using social media, annual reports or other marketing? For creating a marketing budget, where do you start and what have your best practices been? We are curious about how you stay up to date with advertising regulations and if it’s time for LBA to hold training again—the last training was a webinar in 2018. When it comes to your website, how do you keep up with the latest technology and design? How do you identify and deal with pain points? There’s lots to discuss. We look forward to the conversation on Aug. 30. Register today!


8/30/2022 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

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